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Create a new text clip





Use add/edit item from the text clips panel to add or edit a text clip.



Variables are defined in the top string grid. Variables are always enclosed with [[ ... ]] or % ... %. Variables can then be inserted anywhere inside the text clip.

The [[sel]] variable is a static variable and can not be changed.

Click on the [...] field to display a popup menu with all available commands. Selected commands are inserted in the second string grid.

Added variable names and commands can be edited and changed if necessary.





[[name]]  =  @i My name

[[city]]  =  New York

[[date]]  =  @d[] Current date

[[time]]  =  @t[hh.nn] Current time



This is a simple and silly text clip. My name is [[name]] and i work in [[city]].

The current date is [[date]] and time [[time]].


Prompt for a text

Use @i to prompt for a text. You can define a default value between braces [].




          [[n]]       =  @i Name

          [[myname]]  =  @i[Rickard Johansson] Name


This will open an input dialog asking for a text for the "Name" variable. The entered name is assigned to [[n]] which can then be used throughout the text clip.


Prompt using an input list

Display a list and get the selected value with @l (lowercase L).



          [[country]]  =  @l[Denmark|Germany|UK|Sweden] You home country


Current file name

Use @f to get the current file name + path.


          [[file]]  =  @f


It is possible to use one of the following commands with this variable:


          #d   =  folder path (dir)

          #f   =  file name (without path)

          #e   =  file extension




The file "#f[[file]]" is located in the "#d[[file]]" folder.


Current date

Use @d to get the current date. You can insert a formatted date string by using @d[<flags>] and do some simple calculations by adding {<time diff>}.


          [[curdate]]    =  @d[dddd d of mmmm yyyy]

          [[date]]       =  @d

          [[tomorrow]]   =  @d[dddd d of mmmm yyyy]{+1d}

          [[lastyear]]   =  @d[dddd d of mmmm yyyy]{-1y}


This will assign a string like "Monday 5 of June 2015" to the [[curdate]] variable and, depending on your locale settings, "2015-12-31" to the [[date]] variable

"Tuesday 6 of June 2015" to the [[tomorrow]] variable and  "Monday 5 of June 2014" to the [[lastyear]] variable.


Note that the subtraction or addition must have an exact format and be enclosed by {}. It must begin with + or - and end with y, m, d, h, n or s.


Date format flags:

y           =  Year last 2 digits

yy          =  Year last 2 digits

yyyy        =  Year as 4 digits

m           =  Month number no-leading 0

mm          =  Month number as 2 digits

mmm         =  Month using ShortDayNames (Jan)

mmmm        =  Month using LongDayNames (January)

d           =  Day number no-leading 0

dd          =  Day number as 2 digits

ddd         =  Day using ShortDayNames (Sun)

dddd        =  Day using LongDayNames  (Sunday)

ddddd       =  Day in ShortDateFormat

dddddd      =  Day in LongDateFormat      


Current time

Use @t to get the current time. You can insert a formatted time string by using @t[<flags>] and do some simple calculations by adding {<time diff>}.



          [[time]]          =  @t[hh:mm:ss]

          [[TwoHoursAgo]]   =  @t[hh:mm:ss]{-2h}


This will assign a string like "21:02:15" to the [[time]] and [[TwoHoursAgo]] variable.


Time format flags:

h     =  Hour number no-leading 0

hh    =  Hour number as 2 digits

n     =  Minute number no-leading 0

nn    =  Minute number as 2 digits

s     =  Second number no-leading 0

ss    =  Second number as 2 digits

z     =  Milli-sec number no-leading 0s

zzz   =  Milli-sec number as 3 digits

t     =  Use ShortTimeFormat

tt    =  Use LongTimeFormat


am/pm          = Use after h : gives 12 hours + am/pm

a/p                    = Use after h : gives 12 hours + a/p

ampm                    = As a/p but TimeAMString,TimePMString


Color dialog window

Use @c <name> to open and select a color from a color dialog window.



          [[color]]   =  @c My Color

          [[color]]   =  @c


          This is a simple and silly text clip to select a color: [[color]]!


          "Font color" is only displayed in the prompt window. It's optional and you can use any text you want.


Font dialog window

Use @fn to select a font from a font dialog window.



          [[font]]   =  @fn My Font

          [[font]]   =  @fn


          This is a simple and silly text clip to select a font: "[font]]".


          "My font" is only displayed in the prompt window. It's optional and you can use any text you want.


File open dialog window

Use @fi[<initial path>] to open a file dialog window. The selected file name is inserted in the clip.


          [[file]]   =  @fi[c:\Windows] My File

          [[file]]   =  @fi[c:\Windows]


          This is a path to my file "[[file]]".


          "My File" is only displayed in the prompt window. It's optional and you can use any text you want.


It is possible to use one of the following commands with this variable:


          #d   =  folder path (dir)

          #f   =  file name (without path)

          #e   =  file extension




The file "#f[[file]]" is located in the "#d[[file]]" folder.


Select folder dialog

Use @fo[<default dir>] to select a folder. The selected folder is inserted in the clip.



          [[dir]]   =  @fo[c:\Windows] My Folder

          [[dir]]   =  @fo[c:\Windows]


          This is the path to my pictures "[[dir]]".


          "My Folder" is only displayed in the prompt window. It's optional and you can use any text you want.


Current selection

Use @csel to reuse the current selection in a text clip.



          [[seltext]]   =  @csel


          Currently selected text: "[[seltext]]". And here we can paste it again: "[[seltext]]".


Clipboard content

Use @clbrd to reuse the clipboard content in a text clip.



          [[clip]]   =  @clbrd











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