Version 16.10

Information about the next release of RJ TextEd.
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Rickard Johansson
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Posts: 6731
Joined: 19 Jul 2006 14:29

Version 16.10

Post by Rickard Johansson »

Version 16.10 (Jan 4, 2024)

Font Weight (Boldness)
The editor can now handle different font weights for different syntax elements like comments, strings, numbers...

E.g. you could set strings to be "ExtraBold" or comments to have "Medium" weight.

You can change weight for different syntax elements using the customize themes window. Open the highlighter tab and click on []b checkbox. In the list, that opens, select a weight.

Move to next/previous word (CTRL+Right/Left)
Changed how this works. It should work similarly to how it works in other editors like VS Code or Sublime.

Move the cursor to the beginning of a word, or to the right of open braces e.g. ([{

Move the cursor to the end of a word, or to the left of closing braces e.g. )]}

Set or change font in view menu
Removed the menu items to change font in the view menu. They were confusing to use and it wasn't clear whether they change a universal font for all file types, or an individual font using for the current file type (e.g. PHP).

Use options to set or change the font. If you want to quickly increase or decrease
the font size - use zoom.

Customize theme window
Made some resize improvements. The window size is now saved between sessions.

Comment blocks should be highlighted properly now.

Code: Select all

        #cs --------
        #ce --------
Exception catcher (error report)
Removed the current error reporting tool. The program will use an internal error handler instead. It provides information that is easier to preview before sending. And it looks better.

* Toggle comment and undo issues.
* Wrap with abbreviation. E.g. 1 line selection and wrap with "p" should result in <p>selection</p>.
* Minor issues.

The full v16.10 installers are also available below:
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