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About extensions

Posted: 10 Sep 2013 16:38
by Rickard Johansson
Extensions are just script files that are run at startup. Then they wait for an event to occur. The event can be a selected menu item, or a button clicked on, added by the extension.

Create all extensions using the Quickbar => User Scripts tools. For more information on how to create an extension - please look in the program help.

Here are two simple extension demo's you can try out.

This one adds a new menu to the program. The menu items just display a simple message box, but it may give you an idea how to create a new menu or new menu items.
(1.1 KiB) Downloaded 2347 times
This demo adds a new page in the sidebar at startup. It contains of a drop down list and a listbox. Selecting an item in the drop down list, will change the contents in the listbox. Selecting an item in the listbox, will just show you a message box.

Add an extension to the program
Open "Addons => Extensions" and click on the button "Import from file...". Select a downloaded extension. The extension must be in a ZIP-file.

You can also add extensions from "Addons => Addons online", if available.

Don't forget to restart the program after you have activated an extension.

Re: About extensions

Posted: 18 Sep 2013 12:38
by pjj
Would you please explain what AddSidebarPage is supposed to do again? Where exactly should I look for the new page? ...Ah, I can see it now: I had to change sidebar tabs view to "icons"; with "captions", this new page is not visible and hence inaccessible.

Re: About extensions

Posted: 22 Sep 2013 18:14
by Rickard Johansson
I've updated the "AddSidebarPage" demo extension and added a caption. The new page should read "Test", if captions are displayed.

Re: About extensions

Posted: 03 Apr 2015 21:31
by Aleks842
Could you please update the links above?

PS. Sorry. I found them.